Become a Certified Flight Instructor

Share your knowledge of aviation with others through Flight Instruction!

Young woman about to fly a plane with an instructor next to her.

Why Become a Flight Instructor?

  • Expand your knowledge of aviation by sharing it with others
  • Gain time towards ATP minimums, If your goal is to fly with the airlines or a more advanced pilot role.
  • Get paid to fly by sharing your knowledge with new students
  • Expand your horizon and network in the aviation community.

Why Choose Us?

  • At Aero Global Aviation Academy, we pride ourselves on our customer-focused approach to flight training. You will be assigned an instructor that will teach you and make sure you meet the requirements to obtain your Certified Flight Instructor Certificate.
  • We will prepare you thoroughly to pass your Fundamentals of Instruction test (FOI), FAA CFIA knowledge test, Your FAA Oral and Practical test.

Training Requirements?

  • Hold a Commerical Pilot certificate or ATP certificate.
  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Must hold a valid medical certificate. (at least 3rd class FAA medical)
  • Pass the FAA knowledge test.
  • Pass the FAA practical test.
  • Be able to read, speak, write and understand the English language.


  • Training Budget: $6225 (Single Engine)

Note: All quoted price includes Flight & Ground Training, Books & Supplies, FAA Written and Practical Tests (checkride).

Finance Your Training

If you need financial assistance for all or some of your training. Aero Global recommends using one of our financing partners.